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New Climbing Rules for Mt. Fuji in 2024: What You Need to Know

Here are new rules and restrictions for climbing Mt. Fuji in 2024, including new fees, climber limits, and the online reservation system.
Last updated Jun 19, 2024

As the popularity of climbing Mt. Fuji continues to grow, Japanese authorities have introduced new rules and restrictions for 2024 to address issues related to over tourism and environmental preservation. These measures enhance climber safety and experience while protecting the mountain’s natural beauty and cultural significance.

Fuji Subaru Fiifth Line Station - Image by Snow Monkey Resorts
Fuji Subaru Fiifth Line Station – Image by Snow Monkey Resorts

Mandatory Climbing Fees

Starting from July 1, 2024, all climbers on the Yoshida Trail must pay a mandatory fee of ¥2,000 (approximately $18 USD) to access the trail from the 5th Station. This fee will fund trail maintenance, safety measures, and conservation efforts. Additionally, the authorities encourage climbers to make a voluntary donation of ¥1,000 for further support of these initiatives​​.

Mount Fuji gate for crowd control - image by Japan News
Mount Fuji gate for crowd control – image by Japan News

Newly Installed Gate

To enforce the new fee and manage access, the authorities installed a gate at the 5th Station. Climbers will need to show proof of payment to pass through this gate. This measure ensures that all climbers contribute to the maintenance and conservation efforts, enhancing the overall experience and safety on the mountain​.

Daily Climber Limits

To mitigate overcrowding, the authorities have set a daily limit of 4,000 climbers for the Yoshida Trail. Of these slots, 3,000 are available for online booking, while the remaining 1,000 can be reserved in person on the day of the climb.. This measure aims to reduce congestion and ensure a safer, more enjoyable experience for all climbers​.

Online Reservation System

Climbers must now make online reservations before their ascent. This system manages the flow of climbers and ensures adherence to daily limits. Climbers can make reservations through the official Mount Fuji Climbing website, jointly managed by the Environment Ministry and the prefectures of Yamanashi and Shizuoka. Upon booking, climbers receive a QR code that must be scanned at the 5th Station to gain access.

Restricted Climbing Hours

To address the risks associated with night climbing, there are now restrictions on climbing hours. Climbers who have not booked an overnight stay in one of the mountain huts cannot climb between 4 p.m. and 3 a.m. This rule prevents “bullet climbing,” where climbers attempt to reach the summit without proper rest, posing significant safety risks​.

Enhanced Safety and Environmental Measures

Collected fees and donations will fund improvement of the facilities and infrastructure on Mt. Fuji. This includes maintaining the trails, upgrading restrooms, and ensuring that the mountain huts are well-equipped to handle the influx of climbers.These improvements are crucial for preserving the mountain’s environment and providing a better experience for climbers​​.

Cultural and Environmental Significance

Mt. Fuji (also known as Fujisan), designated a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013, holds immense cultural and spiritual significance in Japan. The new rules emphasize the importance of respecting this heritage. Climbers should practice good etiquette, such as carrying out all trash, respecting other climbers, and staying on designated paths to protect the fragile environment​.

Mount Fuji is not only a world heritage site, but also a part of a world heritage route.named Fujisan World Heritage Route. It is a circular route that connects 25 sites and attractions that are related to Mount Fuji’s cultural and natural heritage. Travelers can cover a distance of about 300 kilometers by car, bus, train, or bicycle. It also includes sites such as Sengen-jinja shrines, Oshi lodging houses, lava tree molds, lakes, springs, waterfalls, and museums. And finally, the Fujisan World Heritage Route route offers various experiences and events, such as festivals, workshops, and guided tours.


These new rules and restrictions ensure that climbing Mt. Fuji remains a safe and enjoyable experience while addressing the challenges posed by overtourism.. By following these guidelines and planning ahead, climbers can contribute to the preservation of this iconic mountain and enjoy a memorable ascent.

For further research visit the Official Website for Mt Fuji Climbing and 10 Things to Know Before Climbing Mt. Fuji.

Best 5 views of Mount Fuji - Chureito Pagoda
Best 5 views of Mount Fuji – Chureito Pagoda

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Can’t travel to Mt Fuji? Bring the spirit of Mt Fuji into your home with original art by The Art of Zen.

Moon over Mt Fuji art print by The Art of Zen
Moon over Mt Fuji art print by The Art of Zen

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Featured image at top of Mount Fuji 5th Station – image by

Salman A

Salman A

Based in the vibrant city of Dubai, I thrive as a designer and filmmaker with a passion sparked in childhood by the thrilling adventures of UFO Robot Grendizer and Speed Racer. My journey took a deeper dive into the world of art through a profound fascination with Japanese culture, enriched by memorable times spent in Japan. Creativity pulses at the core of who I am. Connect with me for tailor-made design and film projects that bring your visions to life.


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