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10 Things to Know Before Climbing Mt. Fuji

Planning to climb Mt. Fuji? Here are 10 tips for a successful ascent, including the best climbing season, routes, packing advice, and more.
Last updated Jun 19, 2024

Climbing Mt. Fuji is a bucket-list adventure for many. As Japan’s tallest peak, it offers breathtaking views and a profound sense of achievement. Before you set off on this iconic climb, there are essential things to know. This guide will prepare you for a safe and memorable experience.

1. Choose the Right Climbing Season

Mt. Fuji’s official climbing season runs from early July to early September. During this period, the weather is more stable, and mountain huts are open. Outside this season, the mountain becomes dangerous due to snow and harsh conditions. Always plan your trip within these months to ensure safety and accessibility.

2. Select Your Climbing Route

Mt. Fuji has four main trails: Yoshida, Subashiri, Gotemba, and Fujinomiya. Each route offers unique experiences. The Yoshida Trail, starting from the 5th Station, is the most popular due to its amenities and gradual ascent. The Subashiri Trail provides a quieter path with lush forests. Gotemba is the longest and least crowded, while Fujinomiya is the shortest but steepest. Research each route and choose one that matches your fitness level and preferences.

Check out the map of all four Mt Fuji climbing trails from Fuji Mountain Guides.

3. Book Mountain Huts in Advance

Mountain huts along the trails offer rest, meals, and shelter. Reservations are crucial, especially during peak season. These huts provide a place to acclimate to the altitude and rest before the final ascent. Bring cash, as most huts do not accept credit cards. Staying in a hut can enhance your climbing experience and provide much-needed respite.

To view availability book your Mt Fuji hut visit Japan Mountain Huts.

4. Prepare for Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness can affect anyone, regardless of fitness level. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. To minimize the risk, ascend slowly and spend time acclimating at the 5th Station. Hydrate well and avoid alcohol before your climb. Carrying altitude sickness medication can also be helpful. Recognize the symptoms early and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe climb.

5. Pack Appropriately

Packing the right gear is crucial for a successful climb. Essential items include:

  • Warm clothing: Temperatures drop significantly at higher altitudes.
  • Waterproof layers: Weather can change rapidly.
  • Sturdy hiking boots: Ensure they are broken in to avoid blisters.
  • Headlamp: For night climbs and navigating dark trails.
  • Gloves and hats: To protect against the cold.
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses: UV exposure increases with altitude.
  • Snacks and water: High-energy snacks and plenty of water are vital.

Proper preparation ensures comfort and safety throughout your climb.

6. Understand the Climbing Etiquette

Respectful behavior is essential on Mt. Fuji. Follow the “pack in, pack out” principle, taking all your trash with you. Respect other climbers and maintain a quiet environment, especially in mountain huts. Stay on designated paths to protect the fragile environment. Practicing good etiquette ensures a pleasant experience for everyone and preserves the mountain’s beauty.

7. Start Early and Pace Yourself

Begin your climb early to avoid crowds and give yourself ample time. Many climbers aim to reach the summit for sunrise, known as Goraiko. Starting early also allows you to pace yourself and avoid altitude sickness. Take regular breaks and listen to your body. There’s no rush; the journey is as important as the destination.

8. Prepare for Changing Weather Conditions

Weather on Mt. Fuji can be unpredictable. It’s common to experience sunshine, rain, and even snow on the same day. Check the weather forecast before your climb and prepare for all conditions. Layering your clothing helps manage temperature changes effectively. Being prepared for the elements enhances your safety and comfort.

9. Know the Facilities Available

Facilities on Mt. Fuji are limited but essential. Public restrooms are available at the 5th Station and various points along the trails. However, these facilities can be basic and crowded. Bring your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Mountain huts offer meals, but bringing your own snacks is advisable. Knowing the available facilities helps you plan better and ensures you’re not caught off guard.

10. Respect the Mountain

Mt. Fuji holds cultural and spiritual significance in Japan. It’s more than just a climb; it’s a revered symbol. Show respect by maintaining cleanliness and preserving its natural beauty. Reflect on the spiritual journey as you ascend. Understanding and honoring the mountain’s significance adds depth to your experience.

The Unforgettable Adventure of Climbing Mt Fuji

Climbing Mt. Fuji is an unforgettable adventure, blending physical challenge with spiritual fulfillment. By following these ten tips, you’ll be well-prepared for a safe and enjoyable climb. Remember to respect the mountain, pace yourself, and take in the breathtaking views. Your journey to the summit will be a cherished memory for years to come.

Also make sure you become familiar with the New Climbing Rules for Mt. Fuji in 2024.

For further research visit Alltrails for insights from climbers and the Official Website for Mt Fuji Climbing.

Best 5 views of Mount Fuji - Chureito Pagoda
Best 5 views of Mount Fuji – Chureito Pagoda

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Can’t travel to Mt Fuji? Bring the spirit of Mt Fuji into your home with original art by The Art of Zen.

The Contemporary Mount Fuji Art Print Set by The Art of Zen
The Contemporary Mount Fuji Art Print Set by The Art of Zen

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Featured image at top of Yoshida Trail Climbing Mt Fuji – image by Japan Mountain Huts.

Salman A

Salman A

Based in the vibrant city of Dubai, I thrive as a designer and filmmaker with a passion sparked in childhood by the thrilling adventures of UFO Robot Grendizer and Speed Racer. My journey took a deeper dive into the world of art through a profound fascination with Japanese culture, enriched by memorable times spent in Japan. Creativity pulses at the core of who I am. Connect with me for tailor-made design and film projects that bring your visions to life.


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