Transform your home with art. Discover tips to choose, display, and light artwork that adds personality and style to your space.
japanese wave art
Tenmyouya Hisashi: Reviving Tradition with Neo-Nihonga
Traditional Japanese art meets modern innovation in Tenmyouya Hisashi’s Neo-Nihonga groundbreaking artwork.
12 Things to Know About The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Here are 12 fascinating facts about Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa, from its hidden symbolism to its global influence and masterful composition.
8 Mesmerizing Waterfalls: Hokusai’s A Tour of Waterfalls in Various Provinces
A Tour of Waterfalls in Various Provinces–a series of 8 stunning ukiyo-e prints captures Japan’s majestic waterfalls and their heritage.
Mapping the Evolution of The Great Wave
A researcher at the British Museum conducts a ground-breaking study of The Great Wave and reveals how to tell early editions from late editions.
Why I Love This Japanese Blue Whale Ramen Bowl
There’s something about the blue and white aesthetic of this Japanese Blue Whale Ramen Bowl that I absolutely adore.
The Art of Kunihiko Nohara: A Journey into the Surreal
Step into the surreal art of Kunihiko Nohara’s wooden sculptures, where whimsical clouds and unexpected forms challenge reality.
What to Know About Yoshitomo Nara at Guggenheim Bilbao
Journey through whimsy and rebellion in the profound artwork of Yoshitomo Nara at Guggenheim Bilbao exhibition.
Why Tokyo Gendai 2024 was Spectacular
Tokyo Gendai Art Fair 2024 featured diverse contemporary artworks from 70 galleries and made a decisive mark on the global art market.